Hello my name is Nils aka Noim
. On this page you can find some information about me and my projects.
import { Person } from "earth/human/";
const nils: Person = new Person({
id: 1337,
name: "Nils Bergmann",
birthday: new Date("Thu, 30 Mar 00 15:03:00 +0100"), // sweet, you disabled javascript
usernames: ["Noim", "EpicNilo", "TheNoim"],
social: [
new TechMastodon("@[email protected]"), // ~> https://noc.social/@Noim
new Reddit("/u/TheNoim"), // ~> https://reddit.com/u/TheNoim
new Twitter("@EpicNilo"), // ~> https://twitter.com/EpicNilo
new Homepage("https://noim.io"), // ~> https://noim.io
new GitHub("TheNoim"), // ~> https://github.com/TheNoim
new GitLab("Noim"), // ~> https://gitlab.com/noim
new eMail("nilsbergmann(at)noim.io"), // ~> nilsbergmann(at)noim.io
new Telegram("@TheNoim"), // ~> https://t.me/thenoim
new KeyBase("noim"), // ~> https://nils.link/keybase
new LinkedIn("noim"), // ~> https://www.linkedin.com/in/noim/
new CodersRank("thenoim"), // ~> https://profile.codersrank.io/user/thenoim
new MyAnimeList("TheNoim"), // ~> https://myanimelist.net/profile/TheNoim
new TraktTv("thenoim"), // ~> https://trakt.tv/users/thenoim
new AniList("noim"), // ~> https://anilist.co/user/noim/
new Steam("TheNoim") // https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheNoim
languages: ["german", "english"],
power: Infinity,
mainSkill: "programming",
clicheHomepage: true
export default nils;
You can find a list of my projects on this page: my active projects
This is a list of domains used by me for all my projects: domain list
import { artesa } from 'earth/companies/germany';
artesa.homepage; // ~> https://artesa.de
let employeeIndex = artesa.employee.push(nils) - 1;
artesa.employee[employeeIndex].firstDay; // ~> Fri, 01 Jul 22 00:00:00 +0100
import { schuelerkarriere: sk } from 'earth/companies/germany';
sk.homepage; // ~> https://schuelerkarriere.de
let employeeIndex = sk.employee.push(nils) - 1;
sk.employee[employeeIndex].firstDay; // ~> Fri, 01 Dec 17 00:00:00 +0100
sk.employee.splice(employeeIndex, 1); // ~> Thu, 30 Jun 22 23:59:59 +0100